Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Cooktown, Queensland, Australia- a tiny spot on the map. About 1500 Aussies call it home.

Reminds me a little of Sandersville/ Tennille, Georgia--where I lived for 12 years.

Except it has a view.  Many GREAT views.

Cooktown is famous for - you guessed it- Captain James Cook, who beached his ship, the Endeavour, here in 1770 for repairs.

And it was--shall we say- WARM? the  day we called.  Of course, temps of 85 with 90 percent humidity are normal for me, but we had some SERIOUSLY uncomfortable passengers making the walkabout. If Laird had been along, he would have "stretched his legs"  up Grassy Hill (clever namers, these Aussies), an incredibly steep, long hike that gets you to some amazing views.  I stayed at sea level.

The Captain himself...

Spearfishing? Fishing Pole not easy enough for you? There has to be a SIGN??

And then there was the Gold Rush in the 1880's. 

At one point, Cooktown has 47 licensed pubs and dozens of hotels....few remain.

The post office still has outside counters.  

Aren't these sidewalks clever?

Love the penned in comment at the bottom.....

Here's an idea- campervan optometrist.  Move over Lenscrafters....

I HAD to check out this shop-- I was intrigued why someone would name their shop Louisiana.  Turns out the owner's grandfather was French....

Necessity caused Captain Cook to stop here, but you can tell why he stayed a while!

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