Once again, I am left wondering where the weekend went.
We traveled to Athens, GA for Girl's first cross country meet of the season. Coach was happy, especially with Girl's finish-11th. She fought to beat a Junior, and recovered nicely when said Junior elbowed her within 10 meters of the finish line. Yep, she beat her. GO GIRL!
Her fellow 8th grader on varsity came in 2nd!! They look happy to be finished-as it was 97 at 9am when they started, and 96% humidity, so it was like running in 102 hot sticky degrees.
Her fellow 8th grader on varsity came in 2nd!! They look happy to be finished-as it was 97 at 9am when they started, and 96% humidity, so it was like running in 102 hot sticky degrees.
The varsity boys and Jr. Varsity did well also, and everyone was glad to be finished by 10am. A quick trip to the musician's warehouse, another quick stop to my yarn shop, then we treated ourselves to a couple of po'boys at Gautreau's Cajun Cafe in Watkinsville before driving the 90 minutes home. Yes, cajun food in the middle of Bulldog country.
A little afternoon nap, and we were off to Milledgeville to take the non-driving bunch to the movies. I wish we had gone to see "Rush Hour 3" with them instead of "The Bourne Ultimatum" as I got a headache from the all the handheld camera shots. What I do for buttered popcorn.....
The school season is off to a rollicking start, with volunteer stuff all day tomorrow, and another track meet on Wednesday afternoon. I hate it when my schedule gets so full so quickly- no time to work on the piles of projects that need doing around the house---uh, like cooking and showering...let's not even think knitting this week. I need to find smaller projects.
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