Saturday, June 11, 2011

Summer Family Cruise 2010

Ok, I am slow on things.

This time last year, I was be-bopping around the Mediterranean. Well, out of the Med technically- I had made it all the way to Bordeaux, where I was happily slurping down vats of red wine. I intended to write up the Summer Family Odyssey immediately, but then as most of you know, the proverbial S*%T hit the fan and I headed to divorce court.

But NOW, with Summer Family Cruise 2011 looming on my horizon, guilt is getting the better of me...especially since I had dear friends makes such outstanding efforts to make this an extra special vacation.

So, without further ado or apologies (for they are profound and profuse!!!) I intend to BOMB through the 20 or so blog posts I have of our Summer Family Cruise 2010.

Now, most of my readers were there. Face it, I have a small fan base. But even if you WERE there, I hope you enjoy the photos (and VIDEOS--glaringly bad as they are!!!) with just a minimum of explanation.

SO HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!

In an attempt to accomodate everyone's schedules, we opted for a cruise beginning just as soon as the teens could escape school with their (quite exceptional) grades intact. We left the USA on May 30, 2010, and headed out over the pond to Rome. After 2 days in Rome, we met Crystal Symphony in Rome's port city of Civitavecchia, and visited....

Pisa- Leaning Tower and accompaniments
Monaco- Alix and I hit the Ballet
Barcelona- with that dripping wax Cathedral
Tangier- buy something, PLEASE
Lisbon- complete with giant prawns
Bilbao- well, the Guggenheim is there
Bordeaux- wine, glorious wine
London- and Blenheim on the way
Bristol- where we visit dear friends and I fall in love with a dead engineer.

So hang on tight, put on your reading glasses, and let's see where our merry band visited!

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