Saturday, June 11, 2011

SFC 2010 Rome 2

Buon Giorno!!!

The day was full!! (Remember, this is the "flash" version of the cruise!!)

Trevi Fountain.

We all tossed coins. (Well, almost all.........)

Lookchin attempted a swim.

Something tells me corralling him is going to be more difficult than I first anticipated.

Time for an espresso.

Next stop, Pantheon.

Time for lunch. (Totally loving this leisurely

AJ seems quite happy about the beer availability!

Across the Piazza Navona (oh, yeah, look quickly at the famous fountains, kids) to Tre Scalini for the world-famous tartufo ice cream.

Cab rides to St. Peter-in-Chains (with a small detour for us--our cabbie didn't hear "in Chains") past the Castel Sant'Angelo. I know it has a long history, but it is implanted in my mind as one of the settings for Puccini's opera "Tosca"--where Cavaradossi is shot after singing one of my favorite arias of all time "e Lucevan le Stelle". Oh, yeah...and Tosca throws herself off the battlements. Epic.

But we make it to the church. We see St. Peter's chains.

We also see a sculpture by some guy named Michaelangelo.

Moses. Needs no explanation.

Walk down the hill, and what do we run into?

A nice background.

There's "that bear" again.

We are gonna have to watch our backs.

Funny thing, workmen. Even THEY like to take photos.

A car even smaller than my smartcar.

A bit of a swim...

A pretty fine day, I must say!!!

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