Thursday, June 14, 2012


Never can remember the name of this place!

We took it easy on our second day in Saigon Ho Chi Minh City...just hopped on the shuttle bus and got off in the middle of downtown.

You can see the French influence in the architecture.

It looks like something from Europe, not Southeast Asia.  That's Ho Chi himself (or is it Chi Minh???) in the sculpture.

We looked around the market.

We met up with Bill and Suzanne (having yet ANOTHER massage) for lunch at one of Merrill/Bob's favorite restaurants, Lemongrass.

(MB and Andi were off at a Vietnamese cooking class).

Don't they look relaxed???

Finally got my PHO!!!

And, hoo-boy!  Was it worth waiting for.  DELICIOUS!!!

Soon enough, it was time for a Saigon  Ho Chi Minh City sailaway.

On our way to Da Nang and China Beach!

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